A Timeline of Major Events in Khazarology since 1970
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1971: Sol Podolefsky's book Di geshikhte fun di Kazarn un zeyer idishe melukhe in tsentral Eyrope is published by Rokhman of New York

April 1976: Arthur Koestler's book The Thirteenth Tribe: The Khazar Empire and Its Heritage is published by Hutchinson and Co. of London, England

July 1976: Arthur Koestler's book is published in the United States by Random House

1976: French edition of Arthur Koestler's book The Thirteenth Tribe: The Khazar Empire and Its Heritage is published under the title La treizième tribu: l'empire khazar et son héritage by Calmann-Lévy of Paris, France

1976: Menahem Zohori's book Ha-Kuzarim, hitgayrutam ve-korotehem: ba-sifrut ha-historiyografyah ha-'Ivrit is published in Jerusalem

1977: Turkish edition of Arthur Koestler's book The Thirteenth Tribe: The Khazar Empire and Its Heritage is published under the title Onüçüncü kabile: Hazar İmparatorluğu ve mirası by Ada Yayınları of Istanbul, Turkey

1977: German edition of Arthur Koestler's book The Thirteenth Tribe: The Khazar Empire and Its Heritage is published under the title Der dreizehnte Stamm: das Reich der Khasaren und sein Erbe by Molden of Vienna, Austria

1978: Svetlana Pletnyova's book Die Chasaren: mittelalterliches Reich an Don und Wolga is published by Koehler and Amalong of Leipzig, Germany

1978: Greek edition of Arthur Koestler's book The Thirteenth Tribe: The Khazar Empire and Its Heritage is published

1980: Peter Golden's book Khazar Studies: An Historico-Philological Inquiry into the Origins of the Khazars is published by Akadémiai Kiadó

1980: Spanish edition of Arthur Koestler's book The Thirteenth Tribe: The Khazar Empire and Its Heritage is published under the title El imperio kázaro y su herencia by Aymá of Barcelona, Spain

1980: Italian edition of Arthur Koestler's book The Thirteenth Tribe: The Khazar Empire and Its Heritage is published under the title La tredicesima tribù: l'impero dei Cazari e la sua eredità by Edizioni di Comunità of Milan, Italy

December 1982: The English edition of Khazarian Hebrew Documents of the Tenth Century by Norman Golb and Omeljan Pritsak is published by Cornell University Press

1984: Milorad Pavic's Serbo-Croatian novel Hazarski Recnik: roman leksikon u 100,000 reci is published by Prosveta of Beograd, Yugoslavia

1985: Milorad Pavic's novel is published in Slovenian translation as Hazarski besednjak by Pomurska zalozhba of Murska Sobota, Slovenia

1986: Second edition of Svetlana Pletnyova's Khazary is published in Russian

1987: Romanian edition of Arthur Koestler's book The Thirteenth Tribe: The Khazar Empire and Its Heritage is published under the title Al treisprezecelea trib: imperiul khazarilor si mostenirea sa by Editrice Nagard of Rome, Italy

1987: Milorad Pavic's novel is published in Hungarian translation as Kazár szótár by Forum of Novi Sad (Újvidék), Yugoslavia

1988: Milorad Pavic's novel is published in French translation as Le Dictionnaire Khazar by Edition Belfond of Paris, France

1988: Milorad Pavic's novel is published in Italian translation as Dizionario dei Chazari by Garzanti Editore of Milan, Italy

1988: Milorad Pavic's novel is published in German translation as Das Chasarische Worterbuch - Lexikonroman by Carl Hanser Verlag

1988: Milorad Pavic's novel is published in Swedish translation as Kazarisk uppslagsbok by Norstedts Forlag of Stockholm, Sweden

November 1988: Milorad Pavic's novel is published in English translation as Dictionary of the Khazars by Alfred A. Knopf

1989: Milorad Pavic's novel is published in Spanish translation as Diccionario jázaro by Editorial Anagrama of Barcelona, Spain

1989: Milorad Pavic's novel is published in Catalan translation as Diccionari Khàzar by Columna of Barcelona, Spain

1989: Milorad Pavic's novel is published in Portuguese translation as O Dicionário Kazar by Marco Zero of Sao Paulo, Brazil

1989: Milorad Pavic's novel is published in Bulgarian translation as Xazarski rechnik by Narodna kultura of Sofia, Bulgaria

1989: Milorad Pavic's novel is published in Dutch translation as Het Chazaars Woordenboek by Uitgeverij Bert Bakker of Amsterdam, Netherlands

1989: Milorad Pavic's novel is published in Danish translation as Khazarernes Bog by Centrum

1990: Milorad Pavic's novel is published in Finnish translation as Kasaarisanakirja by Tammi of Helsinki, Finland

1990: Milorad Pavic's novel is published in Czech translation as Chazarsky slovnik by Odeon of Praha, Czechoslovakia

1990: Milorad Pavic's novel is published in Hebrew translation as Milon ha-Kuzarim by Sifriyat Ma'ariv of Tel Aviv, Israel

1990: Anatolii Novosel'tsev's Russian book Khazarskoye gosudarstvo i ego rol' v istorii vostochnoi Evropy i Kaukaza is published by Nauka

1990: Hungarian edition of Arthur Koestler's book The Thirteenth Tribe: The Khazar Empire and Its Heritage is published under the title A tizenharmadik Törzs by Kabala of Budapest, Hungary

April 1990: Japanese edition of Arthur Koestler's book The Thirteenth Tribe: The Khazar Empire and Its Heritage is published under the title Yudayahito to wa dare ka: dai juu san shizoku. Kazaaru oukoku no nazo tankoubon by Sankosha

1991: Milorad Pavic's novel is published in Greek translation as To Lexiko Ton Xazaron by Erodotos of Athens, Greece

November 1991: At the 17th Annual Byzantine Studies Conference, Timothy S. Miller announces his discovery that Jewish Khazars settled in Pera in the Byzantine Empire by around the 11th century

June 1992: S. J. Revich's children's novel The Prince and the Scholar, about a young Khazar prince, is published by Bristol, Rhein, and Englander

1992: Riza Bagautdinov's team unearths Khazarian artwork on bone plates from the Shilovka burial ground on the right bank of the middle Volga in Uyanovsk oblast.

1992: Swedish edition of Arthur Koestler's book The Thirteenth Tribe: The Khazar Empire and Its Heritage is published under the title Den trettonde stammen

1993: Milorad Pavic's novel is published in Polish translation as Slownik Chazarski by tCHu of Warsaw, Poland

April 1993: The English edition of Khazarian Hebrew Documents of the Tenth Century, released in 1982, goes out of print at Cornell University Press

May 1993: Milorad Pavic's novel is published in Japanese translation as Hazaaru jiten by Tokyo Sogensha of Tokyo, Japan

May 1995: Kevin Brook's Khazaria Information Center website is established

September 1995: Ehud Ya'ari's first article on the Khazars, "Skeletons in the Closet", appears in Jerusalem Report

1996: Meir Uziel's novel Makom katan im Debi, featuring Khazarian themes, is published by the Israeli publisher Modan

1996: Svetlana Pletnyova's book Khazary is published in Japanese translation as Hazaaru nazo no teikoku by Shinchosha of Tokyo, Japan

1996: Milorad Pavic's novel is published in Turkish translation as Hazar Sözlüğü by Mitos of Istanbul, Turkey

March 1996: Svetlana Pletnyova's book on the Khazar fortress Sarkel, Sarkel i "Shiolkovyi" Put', is published

1997: Milorad Pavic's novel is published in Russian translation as Khazarskii slovar' by Azbuka of Saint Petersburg, Russia

1997: Serbo-Croatian edition of Arthur Koestler's book The Thirteenth Tribe: The Khazar Empire and Its Heritage is published under the title Trinaesto pleme: Hazarsko carstvo i njegova ostavština by Prosveta of Belgrade, Yugoslavia

January 1997: Khazaria Newsletter is established on the Internet by the Khazaria Information Center

March 1997: Ehud Ya'ari's 3-part television documentary on the Khazars, titled Mamlekhet ha-Kuzarim, is broadcast on Israel Channel 1

August 1997: The Russian edition of Khazarian Hebrew Documents of the Tenth Century by Norman Golb and Omeljan Pritsak goes into print at Gesharim

1998: Milorad Pavic's novel is published in Romanian translation as Dictionarul Khazar by Nemira of Bucharest, Romania

1998: Milorad Pavic's novel is published in Ukrainian translation as Xozars'kyi slovnik by Klasika of L'viv, Ukraine

1998: Milorad Pavic's novel is published in Korean translation as K`ajaru sajon by Chungang M&B of Seoul, South Korea

March 1998: Rabbi N. Daniel Korobkin's translation of The Kuzari is published by Jason Aronson Inc.; the book also has a beautiful rendition of the letters exchanged between Hasdai ibn Shaprut and King Joseph

December 1998: Milorad Pavic's novel is published in Chinese translation as Haza er cidian: yi bu shiwan ge ciyu de cidian xiaoshuo by Shanghai Translation Publishing House of Shanghai, China

April 1999: Kevin Brook's book The Jews of Khazaria is published by Jason Aronson Inc.

May 1999: Svetlana Pletnyova's general archaeology book on Khazars, Ocherki Khazarskoy Arkheologii, is published by Gesharim

May 1999: First International Khazar Colloquium is held in Jerusalem, Israel and results in articles on the Khazars in major international newspapers including Le Monde in France and La Nación in Argentina

October 1999: Excavation begins at a large fortress with aqueducts and turrets at the Tsimlyansk Reservoir near Sarkel but suffers a setback a year later with the mysterious disappearance of one of the archaeologists

2000: Serbo-Croatian edition of Arthur Koestler's book The Thirteenth Tribe: The Khazar Empire and Its Heritage is republished in Zagreb

2001: Russian edition of Arthur Koestler's book The Thirteenth Tribe: The Khazar Empire and Its Heritage is published under the title Trinadtsatoye koleno. Krushenie imperii khazar i ee nasledie by Evraziya of Saint Petersburg, Russia

2001: Mikhail Artamonov's book Istoriya Khazar is reprinted

January 2001: Presentations by leading Russian experts on the theme "Judeo-Khazarian Antiquities" are given at the 8th Annual International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Jewish Studies in Korolyov, Russia

February 2001: KHAZAR-FICTION discussion list is established on the Internet

April 2001: The French science magazine Sciences et Avenir publishes an article on Khazars

April 2001: The French Jewish novelist Marek Halter's novel Le Vent des Khazars is published

May 2001: Meir Uziel writes a column in Ma'ariv called "Khazaria Lives"

September 2001: Valentina Flyorova's book on Khazarian shamanistic imagery, Obrazy i Syuzhety Mifologii Khazarii, is published

2002: 2nd edition of Mikhail Artamonov's book Istoriya Khazar, containing extra essays, photos, and bibliographies, is released in the "Classic Hermitage" series

2002: Italian edition of Marek Halter's novel, Il vento dei Chazary, is published by Sperling e Kupfer Editori

2002: Portuguese edition of Marek Halter's novel, O Vento dos Khazares, is published by Bizâncio

February 2002: Second International Khazar Colloquium is held in Korolyov, Russia

April 2002: Spanish edition of Marek Halter's novel, LOS JÁZAROS. La leyenda de los caballeros de Sión, is published

May 2002: Meir Uziel writes a column in Ma'ariv called "The Forgotten Jewish Empire: Khazaria is One of the Biggest Riddles of History"

June 2002: Swedish numismatists announce the discovery of a Khazarian Jewish coin minted in imitation of Arabic dirhams from Baghdad, bearing the inscription "Moses is God's Messenger" instead of the usual Muslim inscription "Muhammad is God's Messenger"

July 2002: Catalan edition of Marek Halter's novel, El vent dels khàzars, is published

July 2002: English-subtitled version of Ehud Ya'ari's documentary Mamlekhet ha-Kuzarim (The Kingdom of the Khuzari) becomes available for sale on videocassette

October 2002: Third International Khazar Colloquium is held in Kharkiv, Ukraine

October 2002: First issue of the journal Khazarskiy al'manax is published

November 2002: International Center of Khazar Studies is established in Kharkiv, Ukraine

November 2002: Félix Kitroser's book Jazaria: el imperio olvidado por la historia is published by Lerner Ediciones of Cordoba, Argentina

November 2002: Turkish edition of Marek Halter's novel, Hazar Rüzgâri, is published by Everest Yayınları

May 2003: A collection of Bulgarian essays titled Bâlgari i Xazari is published by TANGRA TanNakRa

October 2003: English edition of Marek Halter's novel, The Wind of the Khazars, is published by The Toby Press

November 2003: Turkish novel Son Hazaryalı by Cahit Ülkü is published by İnkılap Kitabevi of Istanbul, Turkey

2003: Polish edition of Marek Halter's novel, Chazarski wiatr, is published

2003: Milorad Pavic's novel is published in Slovakian translation as Chazarsky slovnik by Vydavatelstvo Slovart of Bratislava, Slovakia

2004: Milorad Pavic's novel is published in Norwegian translation as Kazarenes Leksikon by Solum Forlag of Oslo, Norway

2004: Aldo C. Marturano's book Mescekh: Il paese degli ebrei dimenticati is published by Edizioni Atena of Poggiardo, Italy

2004: Second issue of the journal Khazarskiy al'manax is published

June 2004: Turkish edition of Mikhail Artamonov's book, Hazar Tarihi: Türkler, Yahudiler, Ruslar, is published by Selenge Yayınları

October 2004: Milorad Pavic's novel is published in Vietnamese translation as Tù' d-iê~n Khazar by NXB Va-n hoá thông tin of Vietnam

February 2005: Turkish edition of Kevin Brook's book, Bir Türk İmparatorluğu Hazar Yahudileri, is published by Nokta Kitap of Istanbul, Turkey

March 2005: French compilation "L'Empire khazar VIIe-XIe siècle: L'énigme d'un peuple cavalier", edited by Jacques Piatigorsky and Jacques Sapir, is published by Éditions Autrement of Paris, France

May 2005: A collection of Turkish essays titled Hazarlar ve Musevilik is published by KaraM Yayınları of Çorum, Turkey

June 2005: Monroe S. Kuttner's novel Haham Kral Hazarlı Davut is published in Turkish by Birharf Yayınları of Istanbul, Turkey

2005: Hebrew translation of Rabbi Zelig Shachnowitz's novel Im Judenstaat der Chasaren is published by Feldheim Publications of Jerusalem, Israel

2005: Milorad Pavic's novel is published in Estonian translation as Kasaari sõnastik by Varrak of Tallinn, Estonia

2005: Portuguese edition of Arthur Koestler's book The Thirteenth Tribe: The Khazar Empire and Its Heritage is published under the title Os Khazares: A 13° tribo e as origens do judaísmo moderno by Relume Dumará of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

2005: Dmitri Vasiliev leads an archaeological team that digs in the lower strata of the Samosdelka site and comes upon what he speculates to be the remains of the lost Khazar capital of Atil

November 2005: German edition of Marek Halter's novel, under the inappropriate title Der Messias Code, is published by Aufbau Tb Verlag of Berlin, Germany

2006: Bulgarian edition of Arthur Koestler's book The Thirteenth Tribe: The Khazar Empire and Its Heritage is published under the title Trinadesetoto pleme: Khazarskata imperiya i neinoto nasledstvo by Vega of Sofia, Bulgaria

2006: Milorad Pavic's novel is published in Macedonian translation as Xazarski rechnik by Strumica

2006: Milorad Pavic's novel is published in Latvian translation as Hazāru vārdnīca by Jāņa Rozes apgāds

March 2006: Andreas Roth's book Chasaren. Das vergessene Großreich der Juden is published by Melzer Verlag of Neu Isenburg, Germany

July 2006: Turkish edition of Peter Golden's book Khazar Studies is published under the title Hazar Çalışmaları by Selenge Yayınları of Istanbul, Turkey

September 2006: 2nd English edition of Kevin Brook's The Jews of Khazaria is published by Rowman and Littlefield of Lanham, Maryland

February 2007: Ramiro Ponce del Rio's part-fictional book Imperio perdido de los jázaros is published by Ediciones Dedalo of Barcelona, Spain

May 2007: English translation of Rabbi Zelig Shachnowitz's novel Im Judenstaat der Chasaren is published under the title The Jewish Kingdom of Kuzar: The Rise and Fall of the Legendary Country of Converts by Feldheim Publications of Nanuet, New York

August 2007: A collection of revised papers from 1999's First International Khazar Colloquium on the Khazars is published under the title The World of the Khazars by Brill of Leiden, Netherlands

October 2007: Michael Chabon's novel Gentlemen of the Road: A Tale of Adventure is published by Del Rey Books of New York, New York

2008: Dutch translation of Michael Chabon's novel Gentlemen of the Road is published under the title Heren van de Weg by Anthos of Amsterdam, Netherlands and Manteau of Antwerp, Belgium

2008: Danish translation of Michael Chabon's novel Gentlemen of the Road is published under the title Landevejens riddere by Borgen of Valby, Denmark

March 2008: Turkish edition of D.M. Dunlop's book, Hazar yahudi tarihi, is published by Selenge Yayınları of Istanbul, Turkey

June 2008: French edition of Arthur Koestler's book, La treizième tribu: l'empire khazar et son héritage, is republished by Tallandier of Paris, France

January 2009: Second edition of Rabbi N. Daniel Korobkin's translation of The Kuzari is published by Feldheim Publishers

June 2009: Milorad Pavic's novel is published in Indonesian translation as Kamus Khazar: Sebuah Novel Leksikon by PT Serambi Ilmu Semesta

2010: Milorad Pavic's novel is published in Lithuanian translation as Chazarų žodynas by Lietuvos rašytojų sąjungos leidykla

February 2010: Korean translation of Michael Chabon's novel Gentlemen of the Road is published under the title Kil wi ui sinsadul by Sapiensu 21 of Seoul, South Korea

April 2010: German translation of Michael Chabon's novel Gentlemen of the Road is published under the title Schurken der Landstraße: Eine Abenteuergeschichte by Kiepenheuer and Witsch of Cologne, Germany

May 2010: French translation of Michael Chabon's novel Gentlemen of the Road is published under the title Les princes vagabonds by Robert Laffont of Paris, France

May 2010: Portuguese translation of Michael Chabon's novel Gentlemen of the Road is published under the title Cavalheiros da Estrada by Casa de Letras

November 2010: Peter Golden's book Turks and Khazars: Origins, Institutions, and Interactions in Pre-Mongol Eurasia is published by Ashgate Variorum of Farnham, England

2011: Hebrew translation of Michael Chabon's novel Gentlemen of the Road is published under the title Abire ha-derekh by Am Oved Publishers of Tel Aviv, Israel

April 2011: Milorad Pavic's novel is published in Azerbaijani translation as Xəzər sözlüyü by Qanun

2012: Milorad Pavic's novel is published in Albanian translation as Fjalori Kazar: roman leksikon me 100 000 fjalë by Onufri of Tirana, Albania

November 2012: The book Khazary by "Oleg Ivik" and Vladimir Klyutchnikov is published by Lomonosov of Moscow, Russia with a listed publication year of 2013

January 2013: Baoli Gui's book Kěsà tūjué is published by Lanzhou University Press of Lanzhou, China

July 2014: Italian translation of Michael Chabon's novel Gentlemen of the Road is published under the title Cronache di principi e viandanti by Indiana of Milano, Italy

November 2014: The book Hazarlar: Yahudi Türkler: Türk Yahudiler ve Ötekiler by Osman Karatay is published by Kripto Yayınları of Ankara, Turkey

2015: Poliak's Hebrew history book on Khazars from 1944 was translated into Polish under the title Chazaria: Dzieje Królestwa Żydowskiego w Europie, published in Przemyśl, Poland by Południowo - Wschodni Instytut Naukowy

2015: A collection of articles by Tatyana Kalinina, Problemy istorii Khazarii (po dannym vostochnyh istochnikov), is published by Russkii fond sodeistviya obrazovaniyu i nauke of Moscow, Russia

2015: Milorad Pavic's novel is published in Georgian translation as Khazaruli sit'q'vis k'ona by ts'ignis sakhelosno

May 2015: Boris Zhivkov's Bulgarian history book on Khazars was translated into English under the title Khazaria in the 9th and 10th Centuries, published by Brill of Leiden, Netherlands

2016: Russian edition of D.M. Dunlop's book, Istoriya khazar-iudeev: religiya vysshikh klanov, is published by Tsentrpoligraf of Moscow, Russia

June 2016: Emily Barton's novel The Book of Esther is published by Tim Duggan Books of New York, New York

February 2017: Anatolii Novosel'tsev's Russian book Khazarskii kaganat is published posthumously by Lomonosov of Moscow, Russia

October 2017: Koestler's Hungarian translation of his book A tizenharmadik törzs is reissued by Lazi Könyvkiadó of Szeged, Hungary

November 2017: Meir Uziel's novel is published as an ebook in Russian translation as Demony Khazarii v devushka Debi by KNIGA-SEFER of Tel Aviv, Israel

2018: Turgut Demirtaş's book Tarihte Bıraktığı İzlerle: Hazar Devleti is published by Karakum Yayınları of Ankara, Turkey

February 2018: 3rd English edition of Kevin Brook's The Jews of Khazaria is published by Rowman and Littlefield of Lanham, Maryland

March 2018: Michael Chabon's novel is published in Chinese translation as Hā zhā ěr shēnshì by CITIC Press of Beijing, China

December 2018: Milorad Pavic's novel is published in Tamil translation as Khazarkalin Akarathi by Ethir Veliyeedu

2019: Damir Solovyov leads an archaeological team that starts to dig in the Semibugry site and comes upon what he speculates to be the remains of the lost Khazar capital of Atil, contrary to the earlier claim that Samosdelka is Atil.

January 2019: The book The Khazars: A Judeo-Turkish Empire on the Steppes, 7th-11th Centuries AD by Mikhail Zhirohov and David Nicolle is published by Osprey of Oxford, England

January 2019: Nadir Doğan's novel Altın bozkırlar: Hazar'ın yıkılışı is published by Kripto Yayınları of Ankara, Turkey

March 2019: Altay Tayfun Özcan's book Hazar Kağanlığı ve Etrafındaki Dünya is published by Kronik Kitap of Istanbul, Turkey

June 2019: The Khazars by Zhirohov and Nicolle is published in Polish translation as Chazarowie : judeo-tureckie imperium stepowe (VII-XI wiek) by Wydawnictwo Napoleon V of Oświęcim, Poland

November 2019: Aleksandr Tamonikov's novel Khazarskaya petlya is published by Eksmo of Moscow, Russia

July 2020: Sil's'ke hospodarstvo naselennya Khozars'kogo kahanatu v lisostepoviy zoni by Koloda and Gorbanenko is published in English translation as Agriculture in the Forest-Steppe Region of Khazaria by Brill of Leiden, Netherlands

April 2021: Arif Cengiz Erman's book Hazar Kağanlığı: Selçuklu Devleti'nin Kuruluşuna Kadar Otuz Oğuzlar is published by Sarmal Kitabevi of Istanbul, Turkey

November 2021: Altay Tayfun Özcan's book Hazarlar is published by Selenge Yayınları

September 2022: Sofiya Pasternack's children's novel Black Bird, Blue Road, about two young Khazar Jewish children, is published by Versify of New York, NY

  • Bibliography of Khazar Studies, 1901-Present

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