In Czech:
Šenk, Martin. (review of Koloda and Gorbanenko's "Agriculture in the Forest-Steppe Region of Khazaria.")
Archeologické Rozhledy 73:2 (2021): 303-304.
In English:
Karatay, Osman. (review
of Koloda and Gorbanenko's "Agriculture in the Forest-Steppe Region of Khazaria.")
Speculum: A Journal of Medieval Studies 97:2 (April 2022): 525-526.
Stepanov, Tsvetelin. (review of Koloda and Gorbanenko's "Agriculture in the Forest-Steppe Region of Khazaria.")
Russian Review 80:2 (April 2021): somewhere between pages 312-350.
In Ukrainian:
Bubenok, Oleh Borisovich. (review of Koloda and Gorbanenko's "Agriculture in the Forest-Steppe Region of Khazaria.")
Drinovs'kiy zbirnik 14 (November 9, 2021).
In Russian:
Mogarichev, Yuri Mironovich. (review of Flyorov's "Fortifikatsiya Khazarskogo kaganata na nizhnem Donu.") Khazarskiy al'manakh 18 (2021-2022): 263-267.
In Russian:
Koloda, Vladimir Vasil'ovich. (review of Bubenok's "Khozary v istoriyi Skhidnoyi Yevropy.")
Khazarskiy al'manakh 18 (2021-2022): 268-277.
In Ukrainian:
Levchenko, Illya. (review
of Bubenok's "Khozary v istoriyi Skhidnoyi Yevropy.")
Krytyka: mizhnarodnyy ohlyad knyzhok ta idey No. 5-6 (August 2021): ?-?
In Russian:
Tishin, Vladimir V. "Novaya kniga
po istorii Khazarskogo kaganata."
Vestnik Instituta vostokovedeniya RAN / Journal of the Institute of Oriental Studies RAS
14:4 (December 14, 2020): 307-312.
In Turkish:
Tolan, Öner. (review of Karatay's "Hazarlar:
Yahudi Türkler, Türk Yahudiler ve Ötekiler.")
Karadeniz Araştırmaları No. 44 (2015): 229-232.
In English:
Feldman, Alex Mesibov (review of Zhivkov's "Khazaria in the 9th and 10th Centuries.")
Byzantinoslavica - Revue internationale des Etudes Byzantines 74:1-2 (2016): 273-276.
Golden, Peter Benjamin. (review of Zhivkov's "Khazaria in the 9th and 10th Centuries.") Speculum: A Journal of Medieval Studies 92:1 (January 2017): 322-324.
Shepard, Jonathan. (review of Zhivkov's "Khazaria in the 9th and 10th Centuries.")
Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas 64:3 (2016): 468-470.
In Italian:
Pubblici, Lorenzo. (review of Zhivkov's "Khazaria in the 9th and 10th Centuries.")
Archivio Storia Italiano 176:2 (2018): 371-375.
In English:
Lazzerini, Edward J. (review of "The World of the Khazars.")
Journal of Asian History 43:2 (2009): 180-182.
Makó, Gergõ. (review of "The World of the Khazars.") Acta
Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 62:4 (2009): 469-473.
Stepanov, Tsvetelin. (review of "The World of the Khazars.") Archivum
Eurasiae Medii Aevi 16 (2008/2009): 263-?.
In French:
Shatzmiller, Joseph. (review of "The World of the Khazars.") Le Moyen
Âge 114:3 (Bruxelles, 2008): 720.
In Hungarian:
Makó, Gergõ. (review of "The World of the Khazars.")
Századok 143:6 (2009): 1503-1506.
In English:
Belinfante, Randall C. and Belinfante, Anne-Marie.
(review of Brook's "The Jews of Khazaria.")
Association of Jewish Libraries Reviews 9:2 (May/June 2019): 25.
In English:
Bogursky, Jeff H. (review of Brook's "The Jews of Khazaria.") Jewish
Book World 25:3 (Fall 2007): 70.
Glanville, Mark. (review
of Brook's "The Jews of Khazaria.")
Jewish Quarterly No. 208 (Winter 2007).
Golden, Mark. (joint
review of Brook's "The Jews of Khazaria" and Maroney's "The Other
The Outlook: Canada's Progressive Jewish Magazine 48:5
(September-October 2010): 28-29.
Howard-Johnston, James Douglas. (review
of Brook's "The Jews of Khazaria.")
Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies 27:2 (Winter
2009): 148-150.
Krakowski, Eve Shalen. (review of Brook's "The Jews of Khazaria.")
Journal of Near Eastern Studies 70:2 (October 2011): 359-360.
Raffensperger, Christian. (review of Brook's "The Jews of Khazaria.")
The Russian Review 67:1 (January 2008): 156-157.
In Russian:
Khrapunov, Nikita. "Khazary i Khazariya: novye podkhody i starye
problemy." Ab Imperio 2/2008 (August 2008): 100-111.
In English:
Ward, Seth. (review of Brook's
"The Jews of Khazaria.")
Jewish Quarterly Review 91:3-4 (January-April 2001): 523-525.
In French:
Marcus, Claude-Gérard. "Présence des Khazars."
L'Arche: le mensuel du judaïsme français No. 535
(September 2002): 138-139.
In German:
Schreiner, Stefan. (review of Brook's "The Jews of Khazaria.") Judaica:
Beiträge zum Verstehen des Judentums 57:2 (2001): 156-157.
In Russian:
Lourie, Basil M. (review of Brook's "The Jews of Khazaria.")
Khristianskii Vostok 2 (8) (May 2001): 436-441.
In Turkish:
Kakinç, Halit. "Kökler." Star Gazete (June 5,
Mizrahi, Albert. "Hazarlar:
Bir Yahudi Türk İmparatorluğu."
Şalom Gazetesi (October 20, 2010).
Özalp, Hüseyin, and Gömeç, Saadettin.
"Türklerle İsrailliler
akraba mı?" Tempo No. 11/901 (March 16-22, 2005): 24-27.
In German:
Schreiner, Stefan. (review
of Roth's "Chasaren. Das vergessene
Großreich der Juden.") Zeitschrift für
Religionswissenschaft 15:1 (2007).
Tilly, Michael. (review of Roth's "Chasaren. Das vergessene Großreich der
Juden.") Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 102:1
(January-February 2007): 64-66.
In French:
Favereau, Marie. (review of "L'Empire khazar.") Bulletin critique des Annales Islamologiques 24 (2008): 107.
Garcin, Jérôme. (review
of "L'Empire khazar.") Le Nouvel Observateur (April 14, 2005).
In English:
Golden, Peter Benjamin. "The Khazars and the Kazakhs: New
Perspectives." Archivum Eurasiae Medii Aevi 14 (2005): ?-?.
In Russian:
Joffe, Dennis. "Uzkii vzglyad. Kriticheskiie zametki po povodu nedavnei
knigi S. A. Pletnyovoi 'Ocherki Khazarskoy arkeologii.'"
Kaleidoskop (cultural supplement to Vremia) No. 440 (Tel
Aviv, August 26, 1999): 7-8.
In English:
Kovalev, Roman K. (review of Pletnyova's "Sarkel i 'Shiolkovyi' Put'.")
Archivum Eurasiae Medii Aevi 10 (1998-1999): 245-254.
In English:
Waugh, Daniel C. "...Full
of Sound and Fury..." The Silk Road 9 (2011): 156-159.
In Hungarian:
Bálint, Csanád.
kutatásának revíziója - V. S. Flërov könyve."
Századok 149:2 (2015): 523-524.
In Russian:
Medovichev, A. E.
of Valery Flyorov's "'Goroda' i 'Zamki' Khazarskogo kaganata.")
Referativniy zhurnal No. 1 (2013): 177-182.
Vdovchenkov, Yevgeniy Viktorovich.
sushchestvovaniya gorodov v stepnom prostranstve Vostochnoy Yevropy."
Izvestiya vyzov. Severo-Kavkazskiy region. Obshchestvennie nauki
20/1:179 (2014): 116-118.
In German:
Angermann, Norbert. (review of Golb and Pritsak's "Khazarsko-yevreiskie
dokumenty X veka.") Hansische Geschichtsblätter 119 (1999):
In Russian:
Shapira, Dan D. Y. "Otmstit' Nerazumnym Khazaram." Okna, Weekly Literary
Supplement to VESTI, Israeli Newspaper in Russian (December 18, 1997):
22-23 and (December 25, 1997): 36-47.
In English:
Bowman, Steven. (review of Golb and Pritsak's "Khazarian Hebrew Documents
of the Tenth Century.") Speculum 59 (April 1984): 474-475.
Dewey, Horace William. (review of Golb and Pritsak's "Khazarian Hebrew
Documents of the Tenth Century.") The American Historical Review
88:5 (December 1983): 1260-1261.
Ettinger, Samuel. (review of Golb and Pritsak's "Khazarian Hebrew
Documents of the Tenth Century.") The Russian Review 43:4 (October
1984): 436-438.
Gil, Moshe. (review of Golb and Pritsak's "Khazarian Hebrew Documents of
the Tenth Century.") Journal of Near Eastern Studies 46:2 (April
1987): 145-146.
Golden, Peter Benjamin. "A New Discovery: Khazarian Hebrew Documents of
the Tenth Century." Harvard Ukrainian Studies 8:3-4 (December
1984): 474-486.
Moreen, Vera Basch. "Golb-Pritsak's Khazarian Documents." Jewish
Quarterly Review 73:4 (April 1983): 404-405.
Poppe, Andrzej. (review of Golb and Pritsak's "Khazarian Hebrew Documents
of the Tenth Century.") Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry 3 (1988): 335-342.
Robinson, Ira. (review of Golb and Pritsak's "Khazarian Hebrew Documents
of the Tenth Century.") Journal of the American Academy of Religion
52:2 (1984): 397-398.
Schwartzfuchs, Simon. (review of Golb and Pritsak's "Khazarian Hebrew
Documents of the Tenth Century.") Revue de l'Histoire des Religions
201 (1984): 433-434.
Stanislawski, Michael. (review of Golb and Pritsak's "Khazarian Hebrew
Documents of the Tenth Century.") Slavic Review 43 (Spring 1984):
Ward, Seth. (review of Golb and Pritsak's "Khazarian Hebrew
Documents of the Tenth Century.") Judaica Book News 14:2 (1984):
Wexler, Paul. (review of Golb and Pritsak's "Khazarian Hebrew Documents of
the Tenth Century.") Mediterranean Language Review 3 (1987):
In French:
Nahon, Gérard. (review of Golb and Pritsak's "Khazarian Hebrew
Documents of the Tenth Century." Revue des études juives 145
(1986): 193-194.
In Russian:
Tolochko, A. P. (review of Golb and Pritsak's "Khazarian Hebrew Documents
of the Tenth Century." Voprosy istorii (December 1987) No. 12:
In English:
Bosworth, Clifford Edmund. (review of Peter B. Golden's "Khazar Studies.")
Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 45:1
(London, 1982): 179.
Nagrodzka-Majchrzyk, Teresa. (review of Peter B. Golden's "Khazar
Studies.") Rocznik Orientalistyczny 44:2 (1985): 113-116.
Nemoy, Leon. "Golden's Khazar Studies." Jewish Quarterly
Review 73:4 (April 1983): 400-401.
Shatzmiller, Joseph. (review of Peter B. Golden's "Khazar Studies.")
Canadian Journal of History / Annales canadiennes d'histoire 19:1
(April 1984): 101-103.
In French:
Nahon, Gérard. (review of Peter B. Golden's "Khazar Studies.")
Revue des études juives 145 (1986): 437-438.
In German:
Benzing, Johannes. (review of Peter B. Golden's "Khazar Studies.")
Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 80 (1984): 486-488.
Decsy, Gyula. (review of Peter B. Golden's "Khazar Studies.")
Ural-Altaische Jahrbücher 54 (1982): 165-166.
Menges, Karl Heinrich. (review of Peter B. Golden's "Khazar Studies.")
Central Asiatic Journal 30:1-2 (1986): 55-77.
Röhrborn, Klaus. (review of Peter B. Golden's "Khazar Studies.")
Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft
133:1 (1983): 210.
Spuler, Bertold. (review of Peter B. Golden's "Khazar Studies.") Der
Islam 59 (1982): 171-172.
In Russian:
Shcherbak, Aleksandr Mikhailovich. (review of Peter B. Golden's "Khazar
Studies.") Sovietskaya Tiurkologiya (January-February 1982):
In Turkish:
Ortayli, Ilber. (review of Peter B. Golden's "Khazar Studies.") Belleten
46:181 (1982): 146-147.
In unknown languages (German?):
Johansen, Lars. (review of Peter B. Golden's "Khazar Studies.") Acta
Orientalia 44 (Copenhagen, 1983): 232-236.
In Dutch:
Fuks, L. (review of
Koestler's "The Thirteenth Tribe.")
Studia Rosenthaliana 11:1 (January 1977): 98-100.
In English:
Abramsky, Chimen. "The Khazar Myth." Jewish Chronicle (April 9,
1976): 19.
Adams, P. L. (review of Koestler's "The Thirteenth Tribe.")
Atlantic 238:3 (September 1976): 97.
Anonymous. "Lost Empire: The Thirteenth Tribe, by Arthur Koestler."
Economist 259 (April 24, 1976): 121.
Blumstock, Robert. "Going Home: Arthur Koestler's Thirteenth Tribe."
Jewish Social Studies 48:2 (Spring 1986): 93-104.
Brace, Keith. (review of Koestler's "The Thirteenth Tribe.") Birmingham
Post (1976).
Cameron, James. "Ask the Rabbi: The Thirteenth Tribe, by Arthur
Koestler." New Statesman 91 (April 9, 1976): 472.
Cumming, John. (review of Koestler's "The Thirteenth Tribe.") The
Tablet (1976).
Du Boulay, F. R. H. (review of Koestler's "The Thirteenth Tribe.")
London Times Educational Supplement (June 18, 1976).
Fox, Robin Lane. (review of Koestler's "The Thirteenth Tribe.") The
Financial Times (1976).
Fuller, Edmund. "A Jewish Nation in the Caucasus." The Wall
Street Journal (August 11, 1976).
Geltman, Max. "Koestler's Contortions." Midstream (February 1977):
Grossman, Edward. "Koestler's Jewish Problem: The Thirteenth Tribe,
by Arthur Koestler." Commentary 62 (December 1976): 59-64.
Kanen, Ronald A. (review of Koestler's "The Thirteenth Tribe.") Library
Journal 101:14 (August 1, 1976): 1632.
Kearney, Vincent S. (review of Koestler's "The Thirteenth Tribe.")
America 135:15 (November 13, 1976): 333.
Kirsch, Robert. "Khazars' kingdom--origin of Eastern European Jewry?"
Los Angeles Times (August 8, 1976): J1 and ?.
Klausner, Carla L. (review of Koestler's "The Thirteenth Tribe.")
Kansas City Times and Star (September 12, 1976): 8F.
Krajcar, J. (review of Koestler's "The Thirteenth Tribe.") Studies: An
Irish Quarterly Review 66:261 (Spring 1977): 99-100.
Lerner, Saul. (review of Koestler's "The Thirteenth Tribe.") Magill's Literary Annual 1977 (June 1977): 1-4.
Maccoby, Hyam. "The Khazars and the Jews: The Thirteenth Tribe, by
Arthur Koestler." The Listener 95 (April 8, 1976): 450.
Maccoby, Hyam. "Koestler's Racism." Midstream 23 (March 1977).
MacLean, Fitzroy. "Shalom
Yisrah: The Thirteenth Tribe, by Arthur Koestler."
New York Times Book Review (August 29, 1976): 4.
Majeski, Jane. "Chutzpah: The Thirteenth Tribe, by Arthur
Koestler." National Review 28:43 (November 12, 1976):
Margolis, Richard J. "Jewish Dynasty: Review of The Thirteenth
Tribe by Arthur Koestler." Bookletter (November 13, 1976).
Mason, Philip. "The Birth of the Jews? The Thirteenth Tribe, by
Arthur Koestler." Spectator 236 (April 10, 1976): 19.
Meyer, Karl E. "Conversion in Khazaria: The Thirteenth Tribe, by
Arthur Koestler." Saturday Review 3 (August 21, 1976): 40.
Naamani, Israel T. "Tribe and People." The American Zionist 67
(February 1977).
Peretz, Don. "Jewish Roots and Modern Israel." Journal of Palestine
Studies 6:2 (Winter 1977): 133-138.
Pryce-Jones, David. "How Odd of God." The London Times (April 8,
Raphael, Chaim. "Chosen Peoples: The Thirteenth Tribe, by Arthur
Koestler." Times Literary Supplement (June 11, 1976): 696.
Rosensweig, Bernard. "The
Thirteenth Tribe, the Khazars and the Origins of
East European Jewry." Tradition: A Journal of Orthodox Thought 16:5
(Fall 1977): 139-162.
Rosenthal, Newman. (review of Koestler's "The Thirteenth Tribe.") The
Herald (Melbourne, Australia, July 22, 1976).
Salamone, V. A. (review of Koestler's "The Thirteenth Tribe.") Best
Sellers 36 (November 1976): 262.
Schechner, Mark. "All
the Difference in the World: The Thirteenth
Tribe, by Arthur Koestler." Nation 223:17 (November 20,
1976): 535-536.
Scheper, George. "The world of our Khazar fathers?" The Sun
(Baltimore, Maryland, September 12, 1976): D5.
Sheppard, R. Z. "Caucasian
Connection." Time 108 (August 23, 1976): 60.
Snobel, Alec, and Wallach, Michael. "The Thirteenth Tribe." Jewish
Chronicle, Colour Magazine (1976?).
Sokolov, Raymond. "Origins of the Jews." Newsweek (August
30, 1976).
Steiner, George. "The Nation that Disappeared."
The Sunday Times (April 4, 1976): 39.
Stone, Phineas. (review of Koestler's "The Thirteenth Tribe.")
Washington Jewish Week (October 5-11, 1978).
Suny, Ronald Grigor. (review of Koestler's "The Thirteenth Tribe.")
Ararat 18:4 (Autumn 1977): 40-41.
Toynbee, Philip. "Who Are the Jews? The Thirteenth Tribe, by Arthur
Koestler." Observer (London, April 4, 1976): 27.
Wieseltier, Leon. "You Don't Have to Be Khazarian: The Thirteenth
Tribe, by Arthur Koestler." New York Review of Books (October
28, 1976): 33-36.
(Author?) (review of Koestler's "The Thirteenth Tribe.") New Yorker
52 (September 20, 1976): 145.
In French:
Szyszman, Simon. "La question des Khazars essai de mise au point."
Jewish Quarterly Review 73:2 (October 1982): 189-202.
In French:
Nahon, Gérard. (review of Koestler's "La treizième tribu.")
Revue des études juives 136 (January 1977): 240-241.
In German:
Harpprecht, Klaus. "Kein auserwähltes Volk?
Arthur Koestlers Entdeckung: Der dreizehnte Stamm." Die Zeit Nr. 49/1977 (November 25, 1977).
(Author?) "Nicht Abrahams Söhne?"
Der Spiegel Nr. 26/1976 (June 21, 1976).
In Italian:
Colombo, Dino. (review of Koestler's "La tredicesima tribù.")
La Rassegna Mensile di Israel 43:9 (September 1977): 497-498.
Treves, Marco. (review of
Koestler's "La tredicesima tribù.") La Rassegna Mensile di Israel, terza serie,
46:5/8 (May-August 1980): 234-236.
In Russian:
Xaetskaya, Elena. "Xazary, oni
zhe ashkenazi." PITERbook Plyus No. 5 (76) (St. Petersburg,
May 2002).
In Romanian:
Majuru, Adrian. (review of Koestler's "Al treisprezecelea trib:
khazarii".) Observator Cultural 159 (March 11, 2003).
In English:
Ankori, Zvi. (review of D. M. Dunlop's "The History of the Jewish
Khazars.") Judaism 5 (Spring 1956): 185-188.
Birnbaum, S. (review of D. M. Dunlop's "The History of the Jewish
Khazars.") Slavonic and East European Review 35 (1956): 340.
Dubler, Cesar E. (review of D. M. Dunlop's "The History of the Jewish
Khazars.") Journal of Near Eastern Studies 15:3 (July 1956):
Frye, Richard N. (review of D. M. Dunlop's "The History of the Jewish
Khazars.") Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 19:1/2 (June 1956):
Himmelfarb, Milton. "Judaized Turks." Commentary 6 (June 1955): 606?-607?.
Howard, Harry N. (review of D. M. Dunlop's "The History of the Jewish
Khazars.") The Middle East Journal 22:1 (Winter 1968): 106.
Kaplan, Frederick I. (review of D. M. Dunlop's "The History of the Jewish
Khazars.") American Slavic and East European Review 14:3 (October
1955): 404-405.
Layton, Roland V. (review of D. M. Dunlop's "The History of the Jewish
Khazars.") Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 7:2 (1968): 311.
Lewis, Bernard. (review of D. M. Dunlop's "The History of the Jewish
Khazars.") Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies
17:3 (1955): 618-619.
Minorsky, Vladimir Fedorovich. "A New Book on the Khazars." Oriens
11 (1959): 122-145.
Nemoy, Leon. (review of D. M. Dunlop's "The History of the Jewish
Khazars.") Jewish Quarterly Review 46:1 (July 1955): 78-81.
Neuman, Abraham A. (review of D. M. Dunlop's "The History of the Jewish
Khazars.") The American Historical Review 61:2 (January 1956):
Perlmann, Moshe. (review of D. M. Dunlop's "The History of the Jewish
Khazars.") Jewish Social Studies 18 (1956): 292.
Rosenthal, Frank. (review of D. M. Dunlop's "The History of the Jewish
Khazars.") Speculum: A Journal of Mediaeval Studies 30:2 (April
1955): 274-275.
Wiesenberg, E. (review of D. M. Dunlop's "The History of the Jewish
Khazars.") Historia Judaica 17 (1955): 74-76.
Wischnitzer, Mark. (review of D. M. Dunlop's "The History of the Jewish
Khazars.") Russian Review 14:3 (July 1955): 266-267.
In French:
Szyszman, Simon. (review of D. M. Dunlop's "The History of the Jewish
Khazars.") Revue de l'histoire des religions 151:2 (1957): 249-252.
In English:
Shapira, Dan. (review of D. M. Dunlop's "Istoriya khazar-iudeev.") Archivum Eurasiae Medii Aevi 24 (2018): 337-340.
In German:
Widera, Bruno. "Otkrytie Chasarii (Die Entdeckung Chazariens)."
Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft 16:2 (Berlin, 1968):
In Russian:
Kondratov, A. "Poiski Volzhskoy Atlantidy." Vodniy transport (June
24, 1967).
Pol'skaya, E. "Tainy minuvshix vekov." Sov. Kalmykiya (Sept.
Vinogradov, V. B. "Otkrit li Semender?" Istoriya SSSR (1968) No. 4:
Vinogradov, Yu. "Na podstupax k Semendery: Poiski stolitsy Khazarin."
Groznenskiy rabochiy (April 9, 1967).
In Bulgarian:
Stanchev, S. (review of M. I. Artamonov's "Istoriya Xazar.")
Arkheologiya 5:3 (Sofia, 1963): 93-95.
In Czech:
Filip, J. (review of M. I. Artamonov's "Istoriya Xazar.") Archeologicke
rozhledy 14:6 (1962): 867-868.
In Hebrew:
Ettinger, Shmuel. (review of M. I. Artamonov's "Istoriya Xazar.")
Kiryat Sefer 39 (1964): 501-505.
In Russian:
Fedorov, Ya. A. (review of M. I. Artamonov's "Istoriya Xazar.") Voprosy
istorii (March 1963).
Mavrodii, V. V. (review of M. I. Artamonov's "Istoriya Xazar.") Vestnik
Leningradskogo Universiteta (1963) No. 2: 145-148.
Pletnyova, Svetlana Aleksandrovna. (review of M. I. Artamonov's "Istoriya
Xazar.") Sovietskaya Arkheologiya (1963) No. 3: 279-283.
In German:
Pritsak, Omeljan. (review of A. Zajączkowski's "Ze studiów nad
zagadnieniem chazarskim.") Der Islam 29 (1949): 96-103.
In English:
Starr, Joshua. (review of Abraham N. Poliak's "Kazariyah.") Jewish
Social Studies 7 (1945): 65-67.
(Author?) (review of Abraham N. Poliak's "Kazariyah.") The Palestine Post (May 13, 1943).
In Hebrew:
Eshkoli, Aharon Zeev. "Scharcheret shel Historia."
Moznayim 18 (1944): 298-304, 375-383. Poliak's reply was published
in Moznayim 19:1 (1945): 288-291 and 19:2 (1945): 348-352.
Landau, Maximilian. (review of Abraham N. Poliak's "Kazariyah.")
Qiryath Sefer 21 (1944): 19-24.
Lobotzki, B. (review of Abraham N. Poliak's "Kazariyah.") HaMashkif (April 9, 1943).
(Author?) (review of Abraham N. Poliak's "Kazariyah.") HaBoker (April 19, 1943).
(Author?) (review of Abraham N. Poliak's "Kazariyah.") HaTzofe (May 14, 1943).
In Yiddish:
Friedman, Philip. (review of Abraham N. Poliak's "Kazariyah.")
Yivo Bleter 36 (1952): 294-300.
In French:
Salaville, Sévérien. (review of Hugo von Kutschera's "Die Chasaren.")
Revue des études byzantines 15:95 (1912): 382-383.
In Hungarian:
Krausz, Sámuel. "Kutschera Báró a
kazárokról." I.M.I.T. Évkönyv 33 (1911):
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Kevin Alan Brook.