See also Chapters 7 and 8 of The Jews of Khazaria
In English:
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Originally published in 1968 (by the same publisher) in Hungarian under
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Serbo-Croatian book Zidovi na tlu
Jugoslavije: Muzejski prostor Zagreb, 14.IV.-12.VI.1988,
which was published in 1988 by Muzejski prostor.
See page 28 of the English edition for discussion of graves of pagans and
Jews at Chelarevo (some containing inscribed Hebrew words and Jewish
symbols), and pages 21-22 for photographs of two Jewish stones.
In French:
Erdélyi, István. "Les relations hungaro-khazares." Studia
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Tóth, Sándor Laszló. "Kabarok (kavarok) a 9.
századi magyar törzsszövetségben."
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Takács, Bálint Zoltán. "Ix. Yüzyılda Hazarlar,
Peçenekler ve Macarlar." In Türkler, vol. 2,
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Cross-referenced: Mošin,
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In Russian:
Gorianov, B. T. "Vizantiya i Khazary." Istoricheskie Zapiski
15 (Moscow, 1945): 262-277.
Kalinina, Tat'yana Mikhailovna.
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About a probably-legendary letter the Khazar kagan supposedly sent to the Byzantine emperor Justinian II, as found within Theophilus' chronicle.
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Cross-referenced: Brutzkus, Julius Davidovich. "The Khazar Origin of
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Khazarian influences upon the Rus.
In German:
Brutzkus, Julius Davidovich. "Die Chazaren und das Kiewer Russland." In
VIIe Congrès International des Sciences Historiques:
Résumés des communications présentées au
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In Polish:
Polek, Krzysztof.
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In Russian:
Baratz, German Markovich. Sobranie trudov po voprosu o evreyskom
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Alleges Khazarian influences upon the Rus.
Goldelman (Bogachek), Michael. "O diarxii v Drevney Rusi (IX-X vv.)" In
Jews and Slavs, vol. 3, ed. Wolf Moskovich, Samuel Schwarzband, and
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"Yaziki russkoi kul'tury", 1995. Contains hundreds of pages discussing
intellectual communications (linguistic and cultural) between Jews and
Rus'ians and establishing the Khazarian origin of the Rus Jews.
Yakubovsky, A. Yu. "O Russko-Xazarskix i Russko-kavkazskix otnosheniyax v
IX-X vv." Izvestiya Akademii Nauk, historical series
3:5 (1946) 461-472. On Russian-Khazar and Russian-Caucasian relations in
the 9th-10th centuries.
Zuckerman, Constantine. "Rus',
Vizantiya i Khazariya v srednie X veka:
problemy khronologii." In Grecheskii i slavianskii mir v srednie
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Cross-referenced: Rybakov, Boris Aleksandrovich. "K voprosu o roli
khazarskogo kaganata v istorii Rusi." Sovietskaya arkheologiya 18
(1953): 128-150. Rybakov, a Russian nationalist, claims that the Khazars
had little impact upon the development of Kievan Rus.
In Arabic:
Rajihi, Muhammad ibn Sulayman ibn Salih. Dirasat fi tarikh al-`alaqat
al-Islamiyah ma`a Urubba al-Sharqiyah: al-Muslimun wa-al-Khazar, 22-354
H/642-965 M. Riyadh: M.b.S.b.S., 1998.
In English:
Bárány, Attila. "Khazars." In The Oxford Encyclopedia of Medieval Warfare and Military Technology,
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Czeglédy, Károly. "Khazar Raids in Transcaucasia in 762-764
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of the Dark Ages, 600-1066: Organisation, Tactics,
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tactical methods, and arms and armor.
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Mammadova, Farida. Caucasian
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Includes many discussions of Khazar military raids and conquests in the Caucasus region,
particularly in the 7th century.
Minorsky, Vladimir Fedorovich. A
History of Sharvan and Darband in the
10th-11th Centuries. Cambridge, England: W. Heffer and Sons,
Newark, Timothy. The
Barbarians: Warriors and Wars of the Dark
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comments on
Khazarian military affairs.
Noonan, Thomas Schaub. "Why Dirhams First Reached Russia: The Role of
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Vasiliev, Alexander Alexandrovich. The Goths in the Crimea.
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Zeinaloglu, Jahangir. A Concise History of Azerbaijan. Trans.
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In Polish:
Rostkowski, Grzegorz.
Światosława na Chazarię w 965 r. i jej następstwa."
Przegląd Historyczny 92:3 (2001): 269-283.
About Svyatoslav's military campaign against the Khazars in the 960s.
In Russian:
Aliev, Igrar, ed. Istoriya
Azerbaydzhana. Baku: Elm, 1995. Chapters 12 and 13 discuss
Khazar-Arab wars in early Azerbaijan (Albania).
Barotzoda, Faizullo.
"Osobennosti Arabo-Khazarskikh otnosheniy v 'Istorii Tabari'."
Vestnik instituta vostokovedeniya RAN 1 (19) (2022): 67-80.
On Arab-Khazar relations in al-Tabari's chronicle.
Beylis, V. M. "Soobshcheniya Khalify ibn Hayyata al-'Usfuri ob
arabo-khazarskikh voynakh v VII-pervoy polovine VIII v." In Drevney'ie
gosudarstva Vostochnoy Yevropy 1998 g., around pp. 36-37. Moscow,
2000. About Arab-Khazar wars.
Kalinina, Tat'yana Mikhailovna. "Svedeniya Ibn Xaukalya o poxodox Rusi
vremen Svyatoslava." In Drevneyshie gosudarstva na territorii SSSR,
1975, around pp. 90-101. Moscow, 1976. Discusses the Rus' attacks on
Khazar cities during the years 965-968.
Kalinina, Tat'yana Mikhailovna. "Dopolnitel'nyye svedeniya istochnikov
o razgrome khazarami voysk al-Dzharrakha." Khazarskiy al'manakh
16 (2018-2019): 89-100. On the Khazars' defeat of al-Jarrah's Arab troops.
Knyazkiy, Igor O. "Russko-vizantiyskaya voyna 941-944 gg. i Xazariya." In
Xazary: Vtoroi Mezhdunarodnii kollokvium: tezisy, ed. Vladimir
Iakovlevich Petrukhin and Artyom M. Fedorchuk, pp. 51-53? Moscow: Tsentr
nauchnyx rabotnikov i prepodavatelei iudaiki v vuzakh "Sefer", Evreiskii
universitet v Moskve, and Institut Slavyanovedeniya Rossiiskoy akademii
nauk, 2002.
Kovalenko, Denis. Pokhod knyazya Kiyevskogo Svyatoslava Igorevicha na khazar.
Moscow: Dukhovnoye Preobrazhenie, 2021.
About Svyatoslav's military campaign against the Khazars in the 960s.
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