[Khazaria.com - The 
American Center of Khazar Studies]
A Resource for Turkic and Jewish History in Russia and Ukraine

Last Updated: January 10, 2025

For information about THE JEWS OF KHAZARIA, click here Read about The Jews of Khazaria - the best general-interest book about the Khazars in English

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KINDLE EDITION (3rd edition)
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The sequel is The Maternal Genetic Lineages of Ashkenazic Jews (October 2022)

29-Year Site Anniversary

A new candidate for Atil's location has emerged! It's Semibugry, a large Khazar-era city that was discovered in 2019 by researchers from Astrakhan, including Damir Solovyov. They continued to dig in the summers of 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023. I added what we know so far about Semibugry's remains to my Atil page.

My comment on proposals for Jewish ethnic categories for the 2030 U.S. Census

Medieval Kingdom of Khazaria, 652-969

Over a thousand years ago, the far east of Europe was ruled by Jewish kings who presided over numerous tribes, including their own tribe: the Turkic Khazars. After their conversion, the Khazar people used Jewish personal names, spoke and wrote in Hebrew, were circumcised, had synagogues and rabbis, studied the Torah and Talmud, and observed Hanukkah, Pesach, and the Sabbath. The Khazars were an advanced civilization with one of the most tolerant societies of the medieval period. It hosted merchants from all over Asia and Europe. On these pages it is hoped that you may learn more about this fascinating culture.

"The Khazars originated from the distant East... In the seventh and eighth centuries, this new empire halted Arab expansionism, established contact with Byzantium, and became a decisive force between the Caspian Sea and the River Don up to the middle of the tenth century. Land cultivation, animal husbandry and handicrafts flourished in the empire. Merchants traded not only with Byzantium, but also with the Arab-Persian world and the distant East. The kagans did not prohibit the activities of Christian and Moslem missionaries. Both religions maintained places or worship and schools on Khazar land. Out of political considerations, however, the kagans and their retinues embraced a third great monotheist religion, Judaism."
- The Magyars: The Birth of a European Nation by György Balázs, page 8.

"The khaganate of the Khazars was of the upmost strategic importance for the Byzantines for several reasons. First of all, it controlled the routes to the southern Caucasus, thus playing a central role in the geopolitics of the area. ... Secondly, the Byzantine possessions in Crimea... were bordered by the Khazars, who represented a major piece in the puzzle of nations who competed for domination of the region. ... Finally, the Khazar Empire lay at a crossing of trading routes linking the Russian steppes with Central Asia..."
- The Emperor Theophilos and the East, 829-842 by Juan Signes Codoñer, "Section V: The Khazar Flank", page 335.

Current Publications for Sale

by Kevin Alan Brook
This book discusses all major issues surrounding the Khazar Empire, including diplomacy, trade, culture, military affairs, Khazarian Judaism, and migrations. The book draws from major primary and secondary sources, and includes a concise timeline and glossary towards the end. This was the first English-language book on the Khazars to contain a substantial amount of archaeological data. The third edition was the first book on the Khazars to contain genetic data from Khazaria.

by Mikhail Zhirohov and David Nicolle
An illustrated guide to Khazar history, focusing on military affairs including Khazaria's wars with Arabs and the Rus', their weapons such as spears, battleaxes, and swords, their helmets and armor, and their fortifications made from stone and timber.

translated and annotated by Rabbi N. Daniel Korobkin
In this classic philosophical work by Yehuda HaLevi, a Jewish sage explains the principles of Judaism to an inquisitive Khazar king. As a special bonus, the historical communications exchanged between Khazar King Joseph and the Spanish Jewish diplomat Hasdai ibn Shaprut are included in this volume.

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Copyright ©1995-2024 Kevin Alan Brook, Vladimir Klyutchnikov, Todd Morrison, Christian Settipani, Eugene Wiglin, Leon Kull, Adam J. Levin, and Barry R. Long. All Rights Reserved.

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